MeSH Information Group
All EAHIL members responsible for MeSH translation are invited to join the SIG, which is also open to professionals using MeSH in various applications, such as library catalogues, multilingual search engines, open access repositories, indexing, publishing activities and so on.
The tasks of the Group members include:
- making the MeSH vocabulary useful for non-English users
- cooperation on translation policy, translations maintenance
- analysis of problems and suggestions on improvement
- strengthening the relationship with the NLM MeSH staff
The Chair tasks should focus on finding interesting topics to be discussed, stimulating membership, representing European application of MeSH and MeSH-related topics internationally, cooperating with the NLM.
Please contact: Maurella Della Seta, chair
Email list for the MeSH Information Group
Membership of EAHIL discussion lists is granted to members registered in the EAHIL membership database. Become a member!