Closure of Public Health Information Group
“Everything has to come to an end, sometime.” L. Frank Baum in The Marvelous Land of Oz
If you recall, last year we had a discussion on the future of our group. After our meeting in Rotterdam, we sent out an email to PHIG members for their feedback explaining where we had got to and giving them a choice for their preferences to the following questions:
• Would you prefer to join with another specialist interest group (SIG)?
• If not, what would you like to see happening in PHIG?
• What can you bring to PHIG?
From your responses we noted that you would be interested to join with another EAHIL specialist interest group.
Our group overlap with other SIGs and importantly some of the aims of our PHIG are redundant or incorporated into other SIGs.
Therefore, it is with regret that we wish to inform you that PHIG will be closing from September 2023. The proposal to close have been approved by the EAHIL Executive Board 12 June 2023 in Trondheim. PHIG has come to an end but it is a new beginning to join another SIG.
Thank you for your past contributions and support for PHIG. We hope the information exchange during the annual meetings and in the trainings organised were benefitial for your work. We encourage you to join another Specialist Interest Group (SIG). Here is the link to the EAHIL SIGs: https://eahil.eu/sig-2/
Mala Mann, Co-chair
Katri, Secretary of PHIG
Ana-Belen Escriva, Co-chair
This image was developed by our dear friend Tomas Allen, a former co-chair of PHIG