Evaluation and Metrics Group
The Evaluation and Metrics group brings together and connects all members who are interested in research impact and its measurement.
We would like to develop a framework to share and discuss information, experiences, and practice about science evaluation indicators and resources. Moreover, this group should contribute to improve the networking and collaboration on metrics-related projects and efforts among health librarians and information specialists, and their institutions.
Other aims of the group are to promote the continuing professional development of EAHIL members through metrics-related training courses, and the development of tutorials and materials for researchers and librarians.
We invite all members interested on any type of the different types of metrics (Informetrics, Bibliometrics, Altmetrics, etc.) to join us.
Contact information:
Alicia Fátima Gómez, co-chair
Valeria Scotti, co-chair
Thomas Derek Halling, co-secretary
Silvia Saste, co-secretary
Email list for the Special Interest Group on Evaluation and Metrics
Membership of EAHIL discussion lists is granted to members registered in the EAHIL membership database. Become a member!