
EAHIL wants to give you the opportunity to learn and improve your skills as a health science librarian. No need to think about expenses or travel. You just need your computer and an internet connection. The Online Continuing Professional Development Pilot Program for EAHIL has organized three webinars. You are welcome to view the recordings.

Fifty Shades of Review


Rapid review, mapping review, scoping review, rapid evidence assessment, realist synthesis, qualitative evidence synthesis, systematic review et al. Which one to choose? As a health librarian thirty years ago your choice would have been quite easy. Narrative review versus Systematic review, perhaps with an add-on Meta-analysis if the included studies allowed. Now we face an entire industry of different review types, each requiring different search methods and approaches. As a busy health librarian you need to be able to understand the basic differences between review types. You need to know which review type can be used for which purpose. Most of all, you need to be able to offer support with appropriate and well-chosen literature search methods. This one-hour online virtual expert seminar will share tips and techniques to equip you for these challenges.

Presenter: Dr Andrew Booth. He is a review methodologist/ librarian who specialises in advising on review types. Along with colleagues at the School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR), University of Sheffield, he has authored a book to help make such choices. In this seminar, Andrew Booth shared his expertise to help you better support your users when facing the task of reviewing the literature.

Recorded webinar presented 23rd November 2016

Presentation slides

Links to resources:

10 things you may not know about the Cochrane Library


The Cochrane Library is well-known internationally and in many countries, within Europe and beyond, national licences ensure wide access amongst clinicians, researchers and the general public.  The Cochrane Library has developed continually since it was first published 20 years ago.  Many health care librarians are familiar with the Cochrane Library but perhaps there have been some new developments of which you may not be aware?  This one-hour webinar is intended for healthcare librarians who are familiar with the Cochrane Library as well as those who are less well acquainted with it.

Presenter: Carol Lefebvre. She is an independent information consultant and was previously the Senior Information Specialist at the UK Cochrane Centre from 1992 to 2012.  She now focusses on teaching and consultancy in information retrieval for evidence synthesis, such as systematic reviews, health technology assessment and guideline development.  She has an M.Sc. in Library and Information Science from the University of Loughborough (UK) and was awarded an Honorary Fellowship of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals in 2007.  She is Co-Convenor of the Cochrane Information Retrieval Methods Group, serves on the Cochrane Methods Executive and is lead author on the searching chapter of The Cochrane Handbook.

Recorded webinar presented 12th January 2017

Presentation slides

Search Filters – What are they good for?


Search filters are collections of search terms designed to retrieve selections of records. Search filters are often designed to retrieve records of research using a specific study design or by topic or by some other feature of the research question. Search filters are often built into databases interface. Many search filters are available and choosing between them may be challenging. In this one hour webinar, Julie will review how to find filters, how to assess the quality of filters and occasions when filters may or may not be helpful.

Presenter: Julie Glanville. She is Associate Director at York Health Economics Consortium (YHEC), University of York, UK.  Julie is a qualified librarian who has been working in the field of systematic reviews for more than 20 years. Since 2008 she has coordinated YHEC’s information and review services to customers who require literature searches and reviews of all types. Julie is a co-convenor of the Cochrane Information Retrieval Methods Group, a co-author of the Cochrane Handbook chapter on searching for evidence and a co-editor of the ISSG Search Filter Resource.  Julie has also developed and published several search filters.

Recorded webinar presented 7th March 2017
Presentation slides

Good pieces of advice and links from the Chat box:
(Discussion among attendees of the webinar – their names have been removed, but the text remains the same; answers by Julie were given in audio form)

  • Question: Are the search filters in Ovid vs PubMed the same? What are the differences?
    Answer: This is from 2014 but may be still useful? http://www.marquette.edu/library/find/Medline_PubMed.pdf
  • Comment: Clinical queries filters are also avialable for MEDLINE/CINAHL on EBSCOhost at http://help.ebsco.com/interfaces/CINAHL_MEDLINE_Databases/MEDLINE/search_strategies_used_by_MEDLINE_Clinical_Queries (developed by HIRU, McMaster University).
  • Question: Which method would you use to split the gold standard in sets?
  • Question: Same question from me – is the splitting arbitrary or?
    Answer: I just wrote a blog post on the topic of randomising records: https://expertsearching.wordpress.com/2017/03/01/finding-a-random-set-of-citations-in-endnote/
  • Question: Do you think e.g. that removing drugs.fs from the Cochrane RCT filter when attaching it to a surgical topic would have a relevant impact on its performance?
    Answer: That is an example of a filter using mainly drug-RCT’s in the gold standard. Not useful in surgery for instance.
  • Question: Do you/does anybody in the chatroom know search filters (e.g. for clinical trials) to use with the Embase.com (Elsevier) interface?
    Answer: Perhaps Wichor Bramer has developed some – he uses embase.com regularly.
    Answer: OVID EMbase filters can easily be translated into embase.com filters.