EAHIL-AHILA Scholarships 2024
The Executive Board of EAHIL, in collaboration with the Association for Health Information and Libraries in Africa (AHILA), is pleased to offer an EAHIL-AHILA Scholarship to assist a member of AHILA in attending the EAHIL events. The scholarship will be for 1,000 euros maximum. The Board reserves the right not to award the scholarship if there is no application of the required standard.
The 2024 EAHIL Conference will be held in Riga, Latvia, 11-14 June 2024. The event will be fully hybrid, so the successful candidate will be able to attend in presence or online.
(Please note: EAHIL members in Council of Europe countries should apply for the EAHIL scholarships).
The Aims of the EAHIL-AHILA Scholarship Program are
- To support the career development of AHILA members by enabling them to attend EAHIL meetings
- To foster collaboration between EAHIL and AHILA in order to advance the practice of health information and libraries in Europe and Africa.
With these Aims in mind the Board will welcome applications from all those who meet the following criteria for eligibility. Scholarship applicants are required to observe *all* of the conditions, and the Board will not consider any application that fails to comply with them.
- Applicants for the EAHIL-AHILA Scholarship must be professionally resident in one of the African countries included in WHO’s Research for Life Groups A and B.
- Applicants must be currently working or studying in the relevant country as healthcare information professionals or students.
- Applicants must already be registered, at the time of submitting their application, as members of AHILA (www.ahila.org ).
- Members of the AHILA Executive are not eligible.
- Applicants must not previously have received a scholarship or registration award from EAHIL.
- Applications must be made only on the official application form. They must comply with all requirements regarding length of application. Supplementary material sent in addition to the application form will not be accepted.
All applications will be considered in confidence. They will be judged on the merits of the case submitted by each applicant. In assessing each application, the Board will take into account a number of criteria, including:
- The applicant’s number of years working in health information
- Will this be the applicant’s first attendance at an EAHIL or other European conference/workshop?
- How does the applicant expect to benefit from attending the conference?
- What does the applicant hope to contribute to international professional collaboration with EAHIL and elsewhere?
Terms of acceptance by the scholarship winner:
- The successful applicant will not be eligible for any concurrent fee waiver offered to specified participants at the conference.
- The EAHIL Board reserves the right to carry out checks as necessary on the identity and status of applicants.
- Applicants will be responsible for satisfying any visa requirements stipulated by the country hosting the EAHIL meeting.
- Applicants will provide evidence of necessary travel documents and arrangements at least six weeks before the event.
- The successful applicant will be required to provide a written report on their experience in attending the conference as a scholarship winner, for publication in the Journal of EAHIL.
Applications must be made using the application form.
EAHIL-AHILA Scholarship timetable for 2024
- 09 January 2024: Application period starts
- 09 February 2024: Application period closes
- 26 February 2024: Successful applicants will be notified
Although membership of EAHIL is not a pre-requisite for AHILA scholarship applicants, membership of EAHIL is open to any AHILA member who would like to join.
If you have any queries about the scholarship application process, please address them to EAHIL Board at eahil-secr@lists.eahil.eu
Photo: 2019 EAHIL-AHILA Scholarship winner, Emma Ndalameta-Theo, and AHILA Treasurer, Blessing Mawire, in Basel, Switzerland, June 2019.