Training, Education and Development Group
The Training, Education and Development for Medical Information and Library professionals (TrEDMIL) Special Interest Group (SIG) of EAHIL aims to identify and provide training and education opportunities for our profession, both for new entrants to the profession and for practitioners who need to update and develop their skills and knowledge.
TrEDMIL currently has three sub-groups: Competencies Frameworks, Continuing Professional Development and Graduate and Postgraduate Education and a working group on Communications and Events.
Please contact us:
Gerhard Bissels, Co-Chair
Igor Brbre, Co-Chair
Carol Lefebvre, Secretary
Sabine Buroh, Past Secretary
Email list for the TrEDMIL Group
Information for list subscribers
Membership of EAHIL discussion lists is granted to members registered in the EAHIL membership database. Register with EAHIL and join TrEDMIL!
For existing EAHIL members, to join TrEDMIL please add TrEDMIL to your profile in the EAHIL membership database or contact the chairs or secretaries of the group.
Please visit the SIG GoogleDrive folder to access SIG meeting minutes.
Communications and Events
The TrEDMIL Working Group has set up a TrEDMIL Events Diary to provide easy access to training and education events of relevance to EAHIL members. Please do contact Igor Brbre if you wish to get involved in compiling and maintaining this TrEDMIL events diary. Please also contact Igor to propose any events for inclusion in the diary (but do, please, check the diary first to ensure they are not already listed!)
Communications about the SIG via blogposts on the EAHIL website and through the official EAHIL Twitter, Instagram and Facebook accounts could generate more awareness and involvement. The SIG will actively explore this in 2022-2023.
Competencies Frameworks
Maintaining and further developing competencies frameworks will be essential for all work on postgrad programmes and CPD. This group will monitor trends in the education and training requirements of health information professionals and medical librarians to help inform CPD and formal qualification programme development. Contact: Chantal den Haan and Anne Madden
Competencies Frameworks:
Continuing Professional Development
The CPD group will consider aspects of continuing professional development for health care librarians and information specialists.
Contact: María García-Puente
EAHIL CPD Pilot project:
- 10 things you may not know about the Cochrane Library by Carol Lefebvre
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhThGQftCZg - Fifty Shades of Review by Andrew Booth
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbLT4U7Pr20 - Search Filters What are they good for by Julie Glanville
Graduate and Postgraduate Education
This subgroup supports higher education institutions developing a formal qualification programme in ‘Medical Librarianship’ or similar. The group aims to articulate the educational needs and interests of medical librarians and information specialists and provide input into the development of programmes on behalf of the profession. Contact: Gerhard Bissels
- Panel discussion on emerging professional rôles and training paths (October 2020)
Matthias Egger, Dr. Gillian Hallam, Michael Jäckel, Rudolf Mumenthaler
Learning opportunities:
- Research Data Management Librarian Academy (RDMLA)
- CAS Systematic Review Information Specialist (taught in German) Start: 20.01.2023
Disclaimer: EAHIL and the SIG do not endorse specific programmes