Call for nominations to EAHIL Council 2024

By Mala Mann | Published: 2024-09-06

Today all members have received an email asking you to nominate yourself or another member for the EAHIL Council, for the new 4-year term, beginning January 2025.

The Council is an advisory group for the Board and acts as a link between the members in their country and the Association. Council members also have an important role in publicizing EAHIL and recruiting new members. The Council usually meets formally once a year at the time of the annual EAHIL conference or workshop.

Councillors are elected for a term of four years by the voting EAHIL members resident in their country. Councillors may be re-elected once, after which they are not eligible for re-election until they have been absent from the Council for two years.

Each member state of the Council of Europe is eligible to elect councillors, provided that there are at least five voting members based in the country:

  • fewer than 5 voting members = 0 councillors
  • 5-29 voting members = 1 councillor
  • 30-54 voting members = 2 councillors
  • 55 and over = 3 councillors

The list linked to above details the Council vacancies by country for the term starting in 2025. The available places were calculated based on a count of all EAHIL members on 31 May 2024.

If the number of members increases by 1 October 2024, there may be an entitlement of an additional Councillor in some countries.

Nomination procedure

Any two members can nominate a Council member from their own country. For this election, we are not requiring physical signatures from the two nominators and the nominee, but nominators must discuss and receive confirmation from the nominee that they are willing to stand, and all three people must be copied into the email submitting the nomination form. Please email the fully completed form not later than 6 October 2024 to the EAHIL Nomination Committee via

To be able to vote, please make sure that you have an up-to-date email address in the membership database.
Please encourage members to stand for the Council election!

The nomination form is available here.:

On behalf of the Nomination Committee,

Maurella Della Seta

EAHIL Past President