Feedback from ”Wailing wall” in Basel
By Petra Wallgren Björk | 2019-07-30
Thank you all who wrote feedback on the "wailing wall" during the EAHIL2019 workshop in Basel! The EAHIL Board members have collected them and Lotta Haglund has sorted them. The comments are mine. Thank you - we're trying to our best but the current Board members won't continue forever. :) Thank you for the liaison proposal - we'll talk about it. About new SIGs or special interes...
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Blog posts & other reports about EAHIL 2019
By Petra Wallgren Björk | 2019-07-29
EAHIL 2019 workshop in Basel in June was an excellent EAHIL event, wasn't it? Some colleagues have blogged about the workshop, here are the ones I managed to locate: #eahil19 – reflections: Reduce / Reuse / Recycle / Review / Respect / Report / Robust / Musings of a medical librarian EAHIL 2019, Basel, Switzerland / Evidence Synthesis Team Bridge, Act, SharE, Learn - BASEL / LKS No...
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Meet the scholarship winners!
By Petra Wallgren Björk | 2019-07-11
Watch a new EAHIL video about the EAHIL-EBSCO scholarships. What are the EAHIL-EBSCO scholarships? Who got them this year? How did they find out they could apply? What do the scholarship winners think about EAHIL 2019 workshop? EAHIL Past president Marshall Dozier & five of the six scholarship winners - Kubra Zayim Gedik, Krizia Tuand, Henrik Laursen, Magdalena Kokosińska and Martina Ž...
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