Call for nominations: EAHIL President and EAHIL Board members

By Petra Wallgren Björk | Published: 2016-03-17

Call for nominations

We seek nominations for the election of EAHIL President (2017-2018) and Executive Board members (2017-20). We will have vacancies for four Executive Board members in addition to the President role. EAHIL also co-opts the two un-elected candidates with the highest number of votes as co-opted Board members for a two-year period.

Deadline for nominations 15 April 2016

Click here for the nomination form.

Nomination forms require the signatures of two nominators and must also be counter-signed by the candidate. Both nominators and candidates must be current full voting members of EAHIL. When completed, the forms should be received not later than 15 April 2016 11:59 Central European Time, preferably scanned and sent by email to or to: EAHIL Secretariat, attn.: Election Committee, PO Box 1393, NL-3600 BJ Maarssen, The Netherlands.

Candidates will also be asked to send a short election statement to enable voters to learn about each candidate.

What’s involved with being President or a member of the Board?

The Board has developed a set of role descriptors to help with understanding the sorts of activities and time commitments involved – these descriptors are available here. Please feel free to contact any member of the current Board if you would like to have an informal chat about the work. Do think seriously about standing for election – EAHIL’s future depends in part on having a vibrant, active Board to help guide its affairs, and membership of the Board will also give you a valuable opportunity to develop your professional skills.

Voting process

Voting will be open from 2 May – 27 May 2016 to EAHIL members in good standing registered as a member not later than on 1 May 2016.

The outcomes of the election will be announced at the General Assembly in Seville on 10 June 2016. In order to vote in this year’s elections, you need to have an active membership record by 1 May 2016, with an up-to-date email address. Please get ready now to vote by updating your membership record by visiting Note that “registered visitors” is the wording used by Formdesk for registered EAHIL members.

For the voting all members should receive an email providing a direct link to the new membership database. In the email, you will be asked first to update your record, and after submitting your record you will be forwarded to the voting form.

If you have any problems, questions or find any errors please contact Suzanne Bakker.