Valeria Scotti

  • 2025-2028, 1st term

About Valeria

Valeria is based at the Center for Scientific Documentation – Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, Pavia (Italy)

After graduating in political science, since 2009 she is employed as a Medical Librarian at the Center for Scientific Documentation of IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo Foundation, one of the most actively involved in the Italian scientific libraries scenario.

Since 2011 she has focused on the concept of “Altmetrics”, studying since their first application, usage statistics and bibliometrics indicators as a method to evaluate both subscriptions journals and scientific production.

She has since developed not only a passion but a huge experience, becoming more and more involved in international activities. She has frequently lectures in courses on bibliometric indicators and on the main scientific databases.