Council member Valeria Scotti
By Petra Wallgren Björk | Published: 2018-03-19
Hi Valeria Scotti, Council member for Italy, what does EAHIL represent for you?
Each time I am lucky enough to participate in an EAHIL event, the feeling that arises in my soul can be expressed by a simple, but truthful, word: inspiration.
Valeria, could you explain?
You arrive, and you feel surrounded by people who come from all over Europe and the rest of the world; in their eyes, you find the same passion you feel for your job. There are people of different ages and various nationalities who are talking together beyond cultural barriers and personal difficulties with foreign languages.
Why do you see participating in EAHIL conferences and workshops as important?
We are all there to learn and share, and it is from sharing that inspiration comes: I participate in workshops and presentations of my colleagues, and discover new software, new approaches to training, new methods to new methods to do a search… and my imagination starts a journey through “I wish I could” thoughts, trying to figure out how to put all those suggestions and ideas into practice in my everyday work.
Why do you think you get so inspired at these events?
Inspiration comes from those who have already made this journey, maybe with greater difficulties, especially in the pre-internet communication period, and I understand what an effort it must have taken to bring all those many different realities together. Realities that, until recently, were separated by a physical wall and insurmountable barriers.
Are there any barriers between you and these inspirational meetings?
For many of us, participating is not only an honor, but also a challenge. Sending papers is not always easy. Besides submitting a topic that is interesting and consistent with the theme of the conference, there is the challenge of finding the money, sometimes from the remainders of a research project, sometimes even paying out of your own pocket. All this, to keep yourself updated and to check your knowledge that marks your professional growth over time. I would like to do much more, inspired by those who have paved the way you walk on with difficulty every day. I am also aware that my own training is the key to a successful training for others, those who face scientific research every day and need all my support.
Is all just work or can you also chill out at EAHIL events?
Of course, there are convivial moments, lunch breaks, coffee breaks, the hunt for exhibitors’ gadgets but, above all, the feeling of gratitude for being European and having the great opportunity to move and share experiences.
And so, I find myself talking to Norwegians, Finns, Lithuanians, Bosnians etc., in an English that is a mixture of different languages and, though, the inspiration comes even from that: to understand each other, we must make every effort to listen to each other.
What are your feelings now when the next conference in Cardiff is in horizon?
Inspiration is the word that will accompany me to Cardiff, as I am ever more convinced that the biomedical librarian is the most beautiful, even if often underestimated, work in the world.