JEAHIL editorial board

By Petra Wallgren Björk | Published: 2022-05-18

Today the editorial board had its May meeting discussing new workflows within the board, when our beloved Editor in Chief are leaving her post in December 2022. We are all really looking forward to new assignments and our new way of working will need a few extra hands. More information will come in due time.

We also confirmed the next issue themes, which are:

Memoirs from Rotterdam (September)

  • Fiona Brown, Katri Larmo and Petra Björk from the board will be attending the Rotterdam conference and we would love to discuss possible ideas for papers.

The impact of the pandemic on libraries (December)

  • What changes have been done and kept due to the pandemic. Why and how has the work processes changes?
  • It is a broad topic, which we hope will inspire our members to write a paper.