Remember to vote!

By Petra Wallgren Björk | Published: 2022-10-24

Please find below the list of countries with vacancies (2023-2026).

The countries with nominees fall into two categories:

– Where the number of nominees is greater than the number of vacancies, there will be a contested election (Germany and Sweden).

– Where the number of nominees is the same as, or fewer than, the number of vacancies, the nominees are automatically elected to Council. We appreciate your support by casting your vote.

Please look at the list.  If it shows that your country has one or more nominees, and provided your EAHIL membership was registered before 1st October 2022, you are now invited to vote for those candidates you wish to elect as your representatives on the Council.

The EAHIL Executive Board strongly encourage you to cast your vote, even if the election is not contested, in order to show your support for the candidates.


  • Croatia has one vacancy and one candidate
  • Finland has two vacancies and two candidates.
  • Germany has two vacancies and three candidates.
  • Greece has one vacancy and one candidate
  • Ireland has one vacancy and one candidate
  • Italy has one vacancy and one candidate.
  • Lithuania has one vacancy and one candidate
  • Norway has two vacancies and two candidates.
  • Poland has one vacancy and one candidate
  • Slovenia has one vacancy and one candidate.
  • Spain has two vacancies and two candidates.
  • Sweden has three vacancies and four candidates.
  • UK has two vacancies and one candidate

The following countries have vacancies, but no candidates:

  • France (1)
  • Hungary (1)
  • Moldova (1)
  • Netherlands (1)
  • Romania (1)

You find the names of the nominees in the election database. Please remember to cast your vote before the deadline of 31 October 2022.