EAHIL impact stories for 2016

By Petra Wallgren Björk | Published: 2016-12-19

In 2016, how did EAHIL have an impact on you, your professional development, your working practices, your organisation?

I would like to hear your impact stories and to present a selection in the President’s Report for 2016, as one way of illustrating benefits of active EAHIL membership.

What do I mean by impact stories? I’m looking for short descriptions of something that you got from being a member of EAHIL and that was of benefit to you, your service users, or your organisation.

A couple of simple examples:

The EAHIL network is great for organising Erasmus visits between medical libraries, allowing exchange of professional experience. I know that I hosted three visits in 2016, and there must have been many other visits among our wider membership. If you made an Erasmus visit after connecting with an EAHIL colleague, where did you go, why did you choose that location, what did you learn, and how has it influenced your work?

At the EAHIL 2016 Conference in Seville, I learned about two new products from a key publisher that would be valuable to my user community, and I managed to secure funding to start subscriptions. If I had not attended the Sponsor session, I would not have learned about the products. Now, we have some pretty happy library users!

When writing your story, think of the five Ws: Who, What, Why, When and hoW? If you would prefer, the names and locations can be kept anonymous – just let me know.

Please send your impact stories to EAHIL-SECR@LIST.ECOMPASS.NL by 31 March 2017.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Marshall Dozier

EAHIL President 2013-2016