Themes and deadlines of future JEAHIL issues
By Petra Wallgren Björk | Published: 2020-06-23
Are you interested in contributing to the future issues of the Journal of EAHIL?
Here are the themes and the deadlines:
September 2020 (vol. 16, issue 3)
- The role of libraries during the COVID-19 pandemic, eds. Petra Wallgren-Bjork and Gerhard Bissels (deadline 31 July)
December 2020 (vol. 16, issue 4)
- Climate change and libraries, eds. Maria-Inti Metzendorf, Irma Klerings, Helge Knüttel and Gerhard Bissels (deadline 5 Nov)
March 2021 (vol. 17, issue 1)
- EAHIL 2020 (17th EAHIL Conference), Lodz, Poland, Online, ed. Editor in Chief Federica Napolitani (deadline 5 Feb)
June 2021 (vol. 17, issue 2)
- Artificial intelligence, ed. James Thomas (deadline 5 May)