Your vote is important!

By Mala Mann | Published: 2024-05-03

Election period have started for electing the EAHIL President and the EAHIL Executive Board. The Executive Board of EAHIL consists of The President, Past President, five other board members and two co-opted members. The President is elected for two years, the Board members are elected for four years, and the co-opted members’ term is two years. The President and the Board members can have a maximum of two concurrent terms.

In the 2024 Board election, the President for the term 2025-2026 will be elected. For the Executive Board, there are five open positions. The candidate with the lowest votes will be elected co-opted Board member for two years (2025-2026). This year, we have two candidates for President who are also running for Board positions. When the voting period closes, the candidate elected as President will be removed from the results for Board member.

Please read the election statements of the nominees before casting your vote:

To ensure that each member only votes once, we ask you to provide your name and e-mail address when casting your vote. When the voting period has closed, all records will be deleted, and only the number of votes per candidate will be kept.

The voting period started on Thursday 2 May and the last day to vote is 20 May. Check your inbox for an email from Lotta titled “Voting period has begun!”

Thank you