Council meeting in Turkey but online

By Petra Wallgren Björk | Published: 2021-07-06

Today EAHIL had its yearly council meeting via zoom. The council members were requested to have read the “paper work” before the meeting.

The meeting contained minutes from the 2020 council meeting in Lodz, last year´s president´s report were discussed and we finished off with an interactive session, a follow-up from the council meeting in Basel (2019).

The baseline is: what can every councilor do in their region or country to promote EAHIL and add to the organization´s output into knowledge, learning and supporting each other. Another question is how can every country or region work to be better together within the EAHIL? We hade good discussions in smaller groups. The board will now continue the work together with the councilors to make EAHIL even better prepared for the future.

The meeting got interesting information from all over the world, thank you all for your input. See you in Rotterdam next year, hopefully irl.