Journal of EAHIL launched on OJS platform
By Petra Wallgren Björk | Published: 2018-07-16

JEAHIL Editorial Board: Fiona Brown, Gerhard Bissels, Federica Napolitani (Editor in Chief), Katri Larmo, Letizia Sampaolo, Michelle Wake. Not pictured: Petra Wallgren-Bjork.
At the EAHIL General Assembly on 12 July 2018, Editor in Chief Federica Napolitani formally announced the launch of the new site for the Journal of EAHIL (JEAHIL)
JEAHIL is now using a Open Journal System (OJS) instance hosted by the University of Edinburgh.
Federica gave a big thanks to the incredible work and support of Suzanne Bakker, who developed a provisional OJS site and uploaded most of the JEAHIL issue and article archive and scanned and uploaded issues of the former Newsletter. All of the issues and metadata added by Suzanne were migrated to the new OJS site, which uses the latest version of the OJS system. Federica also thanked the OJS team at the University of Edinburgh for their professionalism, organised approach and smooth migration to the new site.
Some next steps for JEAHIL on the new OJS:
The JEAHIL Editorial Board plan to start using OJS for article submissions in 2019.
The new JEAHIL site will allow advertising space for sponsors.
EAHIL has now become a member of CrossRef, and DOIs will be added to all feature articles. Over the coming months, we will work through past issues to assign DOIs.
Google Analytics will also be used to gather use data.
There is still some work to be done: some past issues need to be split into separate articles, some metadata needs to be added or corrected, some Newsletter pdfs need to be updated.