Highlights from the SIG Pharma meeting

By Petra Wallgren Björk | Published: 2021-07-07

Today the special interest group SIG Pharma met during the 2021 workshop in Turkey, digital of course since it is 2021.

During the meeting the discussed the following:

  • What’s new for Information retrieval with a special focus about drugs and pharmacovigilance.
  • A colleague from Marocco were asking the group if they could suggest any useful databases. Some  current and updated ones such as Reaxys, Scifinder-N, Cortellis Drug Intelligence, PubChem, Pharmapendium, Embase, were recommended. The group discussed the possibility to organize a meeting with providers of these DB and have a demo for interested members of EAHIL.
  • They had an interesting chat about reference managers softwares such as Endnote and Mendeley.
  • At the very end some words about Artificial Intelligence to retrieve information about drug side-effects.

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Pharmaceutical Information Group