Executive Board
The Executive Board of EAHIL consists of The President, Past President, five other board members and two co-opted members.
The President is elected for two years, the board members are elected for four years, except that the co-opted members’ term is two years. The elections are held by electronic ballot. The president and the board members can have maximum two concurrent terms. In addition to the board members, the board invites holders of the following positions to attend meetings of the board in an advisory role: the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of EAHIL and the Administrative Liaison.

Maurella Della Seta
About Maurella
Maurella attended her first EAHIL Conference in Oslo in 1994 and presented oral communications and posters at ...

Alicia Fatima Gomez Sanchez
About Alicia
Alicia has been attending EAHIL events sin...

Francesca Gualtieri
About Francesca
Francesca has been working in the Pharmaceutical Industry since 1986. In 1990 she joined the Rottapharm Gr...

Güssün Güneş
About Güssün
Gussun is Head of School Of Nursing Library, Koç University. She organized and hosted first symposium of medi...

Marion Heymans
About Marion
Her first EAHIL meeting was in Utrecht (1998). Since then she actively attended several EAHIL meetings, with p...

Witold Kozakiewicz
About Witold
Witold has been a member of EAHIL since 2007 and a Council member from 2013 to 2016. He was a member of the IP...

Katri Larmo
About Katri
Katri works as an information specialist at Terkko Medical Campus Library, University of Helsinki in Finland. ...

Aoife Lawton
About Aoife
Aoife attended her first EAHIL Conference in Cluj-Napoca in 2006, and has given presentations or led workshop ...

Mala Mann
About Mala
Mala is an Information Specialist/Systematic Reviewer and with considerable experience in undertaking wide ran...

Federica Napolitani Cheyne
About Federica
Federica attended her first EAHIL conference in Palermo in 2005. She was a member of the IPC in Istanbul 2011 ...

Valeria Scotti
About Valeria
Valeria is based at the Center for Scientific Documentation - Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, Pavia (...

EAHIL brings together people working in a professional capacity in health and medical libraries and information services. Commercial companies, whose interests coincide with those of the Association, are supporting EAHIL […]

Executive Board
The Executive Board of EAHIL consists of The President, Past President, five other board members and two co-opted members. The President is elected for two years, the board members are […]

The Council is an advisory group for the Board and acts as a link between the members in their country and the Association. Council members also have an important role […]

Jeahil editorial board
The Editorial Board is responsible for the content of the Journal of EAHIL

Sister organisations and representatives
Sister organisations The Association for Health Information and Libraries in Africa (AHILA) ALIA Health Libraries Australia (HLA) Canadian Health Libraries Association | Association des bibliothèques de la santé du Canada […]