Seven SIGs or sub groups
By Petra Wallgren Björk | 2020-05-05
EAHIL now has seven special interest groups, see the Sub groups page. EAHIL Sub Groups work within EAHIL to bring together groups of members on a subject of special interest. They contribute to the strength of EAHIL by encouraging members to take an active interest in professional affairs. The groups are, in alphabetical order: The European Veterinary Libraries Group (EVLG) The Evaluati...
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EXTENDED: Call for nominations for EAHIL President and Executive Board 2021-
By Petra Wallgren Björk | 2020-05-04
We seek nominations for the election of President (2021-2022) and Board members (2021-2024). We will have vacancies for President, four executive Board members, and two co-opted Board members. (EAHIL co-opts the two un-elected candidates with the highest number of votes as non-executive Board members for a two-year period.) We already have some excellent candidates but we need more as there are so...
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Call for nominations for EAHIL President and Executive Board 2021-
By Petra Wallgren Björk | 2020-03-10
We seek nominations for the election of President (2021-2022) and Board members (2021-2024). We will have vacancies for President, four executive Board members, and two co-opted Board members. (EAHIL co-opts the two un-elected candidates with the highest number of votes as non-executive Board members for a two-year period.) Deadline for nominations 24 April 2020 Nomination form [Word]: https...
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Contribute to the March 2020 issue of JEAHIL
By Petra Wallgren Björk | 2020-01-02
The March issue of the Journal of EAHIL will be a no-theme issue. Papers on different topics can be submitted. Please, contact the editor in chief or other members of the editorial board if you have questions. See also Submission Preparation Checklist and Author Guidelines. ...
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EAHIL-EBSCO Scholarships for 2020
By Petra Wallgren Björk | 2019-12-04
The EAHIL Executive Board is pleased to announce the availability of EAHIL-EBSCO Scholarships to be awarded to worthy individuals to attend the EAHIL Conference in Łódź, Poland, on 22-26 June 2020. The scholarships, which are partly sponsored by the generous support of EBSCO, will cover the early-bird registration fee. The Board will welcome applications from all those who are eligible. Befo...
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EAHIL 2023: Trondheim, Norway
By Petra Wallgren Björk | 2019-11-13
The EAHIL Executive Board has decided to accept the proposal of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) to host the EAHIL 2023 Workshop in Trondheim, Norway.
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Feedback from ”Wailing wall” in Basel
By Petra Wallgren Björk | 2019-07-30
Thank you all who wrote feedback on the "wailing wall" during the EAHIL2019 workshop in Basel! The EAHIL Board members have collected them and Lotta Haglund has sorted them. The comments are mine. Thank you - we're trying to our best but the current Board members won't continue forever. :) Thank you for the liaison proposal - we'll talk about it. About new SIGs or special interes...
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Meet the scholarship winners!
By Petra Wallgren Björk | 2019-07-11
Watch a new EAHIL video about the EAHIL-EBSCO scholarships. What are the EAHIL-EBSCO scholarships? Who got them this year? How did they find out they could apply? What do the scholarship winners think about EAHIL 2019 workshop? EAHIL Past president Marshall Dozier & five of the six scholarship winners - Kubra Zayim Gedik, Krizia Tuand, Henrik Laursen, Magdalena Kokosińska and Martina Ž...
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Meetings at EAHIL 2019 in Basel
By Petra Wallgren Björk | 2019-05-12
In connection with the EAHIL 2019 workshop in Basel in June there will be several meetings. For all EAHIL members, the most important one is the General Assembly that will take place on Thursday 20th June at 11:30 in Aula 033. The GA must have quorum to make decisions. The minimum attendance required for the General Assembly to be quorate is 80 voting members. An inquorate GA may not ta...
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Erasmus+ staff exchange – a possibility for professional development
By Petra Wallgren Björk | 2019-05-06
(Re-blogging a post by Lotta Haglund & Eirik Reierth from December 2017) The Erasmus+ program offers excellent opportunities for employees from organizations with a valid European Charter for Higher Education to finance a period of exchange from two days to two months. The opportunity for exchange as Erasmus+ Staff training (STT) can be used to visit other higher education institutio...
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