December issue of JEAHIL
By Petra Wallgren Björk | 2022-12-23
The December issue is ready for you all! Is it too early to talk about libraries in the post-pandemic world? Maybe yes or maybe it is still not possible to have that perspective that one has when a sufficient amount of time has passed and one is able to see things from afar and as a whole. We should have a distance tool such as Google Earth to be able to step-back and look at the new reality, th...
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Editor in Chief for JEAHIL
By Petra Wallgren Björk | 2022-09-27
JEAHIL is looking for its new Editor-in-Chief among our members! To apply send a cover letter (max 300 words) along with your CV to EAHIL-SECR@list.ecompass.nl
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December issue of JEAHIL
By Petra Wallgren Björk | 2022-09-23
The December issue will discuss the theme "Libraries in the “post-covid world". We hope many of you will take this opportunity and submit a paper before the 5th of November. Questions? Please contact us at JEAHIL website
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New issue of JEAHIL is out
By Petra Wallgren Björk | 2022-07-05
Heading for the beach or still at work? Well, anyhow you got a brand new issue of JEAHIL to read. The last few years have been a demanding period for all of us in many ways. But it has also been a time of sharing and openness in the scientific area. We have seen a major change concerning preprints and sharing research earlier. This makes an impact on the health librarians as well since we all are...
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New Editor in Chief for JEAHIL
By Petra Wallgren Björk | 2022-06-30
JEAHIL are looking for an Editor-in-Chief to be responsible for, together with the editorial board, and under the guidance of EAHIL’s executive board, defining the strategy of the journal, and managing the production of Journal of EAHIL (JEAHIL). The responsibilities of an Editor in Chief include convening board meetings, planning issue publishing in advance, chairing the board, and allocating...
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JEAHIL editorial board
By Petra Wallgren Björk | 2022-05-18
Today the editorial board had its May meeting discussing new workflows within the board, when our beloved Editor in Chief are leaving her post in December 2022. We are all really looking forward to new assignments and our new way of working will need a few extra hands. More information will come in due time. We also confirmed the next issue themes, which are: Memoirs from Rotterdam (Septembe...
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New issue of JEAHIL
By Petra Wallgren Björk | 2022-04-04
Once again we have an issue from the JEAHIL. Enjoy! Vol 18, no 1 (2022)
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December issue of Journal of EAHIL is available
By Petra Wallgren Björk | 2021-12-24
As a perfect read during the holidays, enjoy our latest issue. http://ojs.eahil.eu/ojs/index.php/JEAHIL/index The JEAHIL Board wish to thank the following sponsors for sustaining the journal: The New England Journal of Medicine, Thieme Verlag and Wolters Kluwer....
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New edition of JEAHIL
By Petra Wallgren Björk | 2021-09-30
This issue of JEAHIL is, as usual, partly dedicated to the EAHIL event held during the past summer. This year's event was the EAHIL 2021 Virtual Workshop, "Crossing the bridge: new challenges, new opportunities", Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey, 5-8 July 2021. You will be able to read the four papers written by the winners of the four awards for: best oral presentation overall, best or...
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June issue of JEAHIL – now available online!
By Petra Wallgren Björk | 2021-06-30
We are pleased to inform you that the June issue of the Journal of EAHIL is now available online at http://ojs.eahil.eu/ojs/index.php/JEAHIL It is a theme-issue on "Evidence surveillance during the pandemic using automation and crowdsourcing" edited by James Thomas (UCL Institute of Education, University College London). We wish to thank the following sponsors for sustaining the journal: T...
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